The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method. Customers can choose the shipping method at time of purchase. Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥12,000 will be free.
☆手首が15cm 足首が20cmくらいで少しゆとりのあるくらいのサイズ感です。(wrist:15cm ankle:20cmThe size is (a little) loose )
それ以外の場合は備考欄にてご自身のサイズを記載してくだされば調整したものをお送りします(otherwise sent adjusted remarks column please enter your size.)
☆輪の部分に手を入れてから手首にピッタリくるところまで引っ張り、残りの紐をぐるりと巻き付けてsilverボタンに引っ掛けてとめます。(First, put your wrist through the ring. *make sure it exactly fits your wrist. Second, tie it around your wrist and then hang it on the silver button )